This issue is brought to you with BestSelf Journal. And you know, The Brain Buddha loves journaling.
It’s near the end of another year, and it’s been a tough (two) years for many.
Right now, your inboxes are probably filled with tips and masterclasses on how stick to your New Year’s resolutions.
If you have a tough time keeping up with your resolutions past January of the new year, you’re not alone.
It’s why I don’t do new year’s resolutions.
My hockey team’s (Vancouver Canucks) new coach, Bruce Boudreau, shared a great lesson that can be applied to whatever it is you want to change in your life:
Don’t try to focus on a daunting task (i.e. New Year’s Resolution).
Just win the week.
So, that’s what I’d like share with you.
Win the week.
Whether it’s:
- Learning something new (Brain) in a week
- Being around positive people, avoiding negative people (Brain) for just a week
- Doing 5 minutes of walking or exercise (Body) in a week
- Cut out sugar (Body) for a week
- Saving AND Investing $50 (Money) in a week
- Saying “Hi” to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while (Relationships) in a week
Just remember this, Win the Week.
Next thing you’ll know, you will have won 52 weeks.
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