12 reasons why it’s ok to drink coffee

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Brain Buddha newsletter helps you live your best life by focusing on the 4 Pillars: Your Mind, Your Money, Your Body & Your Relationships.

This issue is brought to you with The Brain Buddha’s Morning Buddha. A guide to starting your mornings on the right foot & setting up your day for success.


Those piano lessons were useful after all

As a kid growing up, I was also signed up for piano lessons (made it all the way to level 9 of the Royal Conservatory of Music), but I was definitely no piano protege.

I found it tedious to practice two hours a day when I would rather be doing something else.

While it’s fun to play songs I enjoy now and relive my favourite hits of the 80’s & 90’s, ends up there’s more benefits for your brain from those piano lessons after all.


How to invest during Bear markets

Investing in the stock market is still one of the best ways to build wealth.

I know that’s hard to believe right now during one of the toughest Bear market in recent times.

If you’re wondering what to do during a market like this, here’s some tips for approaching your investments during a Bear market.

*** Heads up from the Money Buddha: I’m working on some tutorials for earning extra side-income (the non-fluffy, non-scammy kind – also, how to filter out the garbage from the legit). 

Stay tuned.

*See Disclaimer

BODY BUDDHA ????????‍♀️

12 reasons why it’s ok to drink coffee

I love my cup of joe in the morning.

It’s one of those little things in life I enjoy so much.

But, I’m not a huge coffee drinker (I usually limit myself to one cup, maybe two but never after lunchtime).

While it’s not as healthy to drink boat loads of coffee, these are some reasons why it’s good for you in moderation.

Drink this to super-charge your body’s health.


Want better relationships? Stop doing this.

I grew up as an awkward teen.

I remember a family-friend’s Mom once said to me: “Your baby brother is so cute, what happened to you?” (yes, she really said this to my face).

While I’ve outgrown my awkwardness, that criticism left an enduring scar on my psyche.

If you want to have better relationships (whether as a parent with your kids, with your partners, with your friends), you might want to stop doing this.


Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash

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